18.04.2021 18:25

Realization of the legal status of refugees in the Russian Federation. Ч.2

Realization of the legal status of refugees in the Russian Federation. Ч.2

When refugees try to employ, they might have some difficulties. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation everyone who gets the job has to produce certificate of good conduct. But for Ukrainian refugees this certificate can be issued only by Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. So these refugees can't employ. Thus, for example, educator Olga Osipenko had to get a job at canning plant, but she couldn't work there and she quited.[7] Moreover, there is another problem. According to the Federal Law on migration registration of foreign citizens or persons without citizenship such people should be registered at the place of their residence. So some employers refuse to hire refugees because these people don't have residence registration. Although according to Maxim Topilin the Minister of Labor and Social Protection 100 thousands of citizens of Ukraine who have status of refugee are employed in the Russian Federation. Among them are popular jobs such us mechanic, turner, carpenter, machinist and so on.[5]

18 universities of the Russian Federation received the right to take refugees from Ukraine to universities. Thus, about 4 thousands of refugees were taken to universities.[6]

Refugees from Ukraine (citizens of Ukraine) also can obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation under the simplified procedure. The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation doesn't require withdrawal from citizenship of Ukraine. These people sign the document which guarantees their further withdrawal from Ukrainian citizenship.[2]

But there is problem connected with obtaining the citizenship. If refugee receives the citizenship of the Russian Federation, he or she loses the right to free accommodation in refuge. It is difficulty for refugees, especially for pensioners. To receive right to pension they have to be citizens of the Russian Federation or have residence permit in Russia. So they have to lose free accommodation in refuge and they don't have opportunity to find a flat or room.

Thus, refugee is a person who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution or other disasters. Refugee is someone who has lost protection of the State of his nationality and has to ask another State to provide his rights. Refugee has right to receive food, medical aid, social security, place of temporary residence, work, education for his or her children and so on.

In the Russian Federation all these rights are guaranteed by the Law on refugees and they are realized. Although there are cases when refugees don't know something about their rights or social services. Besides, there are some problems with realization of the right to work and right to social protection.

Thus, the legislation of the Russian Federation on refugees should be supplemented in field of Labor Law. And there should be special programs which will inform refugees about their rights and laws which will protect people during the change of status of refugee to status of citizen of the Russian Federation.

List of sources of information
1. Federation // Science and modernity/ - 2010. - № 5-3. - p. 363 - 367.;
2. Ukrainian refugees in Russia [electronic resource] // Russian Newspaper. - URL: http://rg.ru/2014/10/10/bezenci-site-anons.html. (Date of application: 29.03.2016);
3. Ukrainian refugees in Russia [electronic resource] // Russian Newspaper; URL: http://rg.ru/2014/09/24/vua-site-anons.html. (Date of application: 29.03.2016);
4. Ukrainian refugees in Russia [electronic resource] // Russian Newspaper; URL: http://rg.ru/2014/09/25/reg-szfo/bezhentsy.html. (Date of application: 05.04.2016).

Annotation.In this article the author explores rights and obligations of refugees in the Russian Federation, process of realization of rights of refugees and problems connected with realization of these rights.
Key words: refugee, rights and obligations of refugees, the legal status of refugees.

Е. А. Ковалец

Realization of the legal status of refugees in the Russian Federation. Ч.2

Опубликовано 18.04.2021 18:25 | Просмотров: 736 | Блог » RSS